Welcome to CardGames’s documentation!

A project containing playgrounds for several different games.

You could see the empirical probability of each type of five-card hand:

from collections import defaultdict

from cards.classify_hand import classify
from cards.deck import StandardPlayingCardDeck

poker_hand_counter = defaultdict(int)
deck = StandardPlayingCardDeck()

hands_to_draw = 5000000

for i in range(hands_to_draw):
    hand = [deck.draw() for card in range(5)]
    poker_hand = classify(hand)
    poker_hand_counter[poker_hand.__class__.__name__] += 1
    for card in poker_hand:

print('Out of {:,} five-card hands:'.format(hands_to_draw))
print('{:15} || {:>8} || {:6}'.format('Hand', 'Percent', 'Number of Occurrences'))
print('=' * 60)
for poker_hand, occurrences in sorted(poker_hand_counter.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
    hand_occurrence_percentage = (occurrences / hands_to_draw) * 100
    print('{:15} || {:0>7.4f}% || {:8,}'.format(poker_hand, hand_occurrence_percentage, occurrences))

Which will output something like this:

Out of 1,000 five-card hands:
Hand            ||  Percent || Number of Occurrences
HighCard        || 49.1000% ||      491
OnePair         || 42.9000% ||      429
TwoPair         || 05.0000% ||       50
ThreeOfAKind    || 02.1000% ||       21
Straight        || 00.5000% ||        5
Flush           || 00.3000% ||        3
FourOfAKind     || 00.1000% ||        1

Indices and tables